Projects related with Swarm
- PCP (Polar Cap Products)
- SAFE (Swarm for earthquake study)
- INTENS (Characterization of IoNospheric TurbulENce level by Swarm constellation)
- IPIR (Ionospheric Plasma IRregularities characterised by the Swarm satellites)
- ESC Ionospheric Weather – definition and development activities
- DynamicEarth – SPP 1788
- Swarm for Anomalies – Swarm4Anom
Papers related with TIDs
Belehaki A., I. Tsagouri, I. Kutiev, P. Marinov, B. Zolesi, M. Pietrella, K. Themelis, P. Elias, K. Tziotziou (2015), The European Ionosonde Service: nowcasting and forecasting ionospheric conditions over Europe for the ESA Space Situational Awareness services, J. Space Weather Space Clim. 5 A25, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2015026.
Belehaki, A., I. Kutiev, B. Reinisch, N. Jakowski, P. Marinov, I. Galkin, C. Mayer, I. Tsagouri, and T. Herekakis (2009). Verification of the TSMP-assisted Digisonde (TaD) topside profiling technique. Acta Geophys., 58 (3), 432–452.
Belehaki, A., Tsagouri, I., Kutiev, I., Marinov, P., and Fidanova, S. (2012). Upgrades to the topside sounders model assisted by Digisonde (TaD) and its validation at the topside ionosphere J. Space Weather Space Clim. 2 A20.
Hernández-Pajares, M., J. M. Juan, and J. Sanz (2006), Medium-scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances affecting GPS measurements: Spatial and temporal analysis, J. Geophys. Res., 111, A07S11, doi:10.1029/2005JA011474.
Hernández-Pajares, M., J. M. Juan, J. Sanz, and A. Aragón-Àngel (2012), Propagation of medium scale travelling ionospheric disturbances at different latitudes and solar cycle conditions, Radio Sci., 47, RS0K05, doi:10.1029/2011RS004951.
Hernández-Pajares, M. D. Roma-Dollase, A. García-Rigo et al. (2017a), Examples of IGS real-time Ionospheric information benefits: Space Weather monitoring, precise farming and RT-GIMs, invited talk presented at the IGS workshop, Paris, July, 3-7 2017
Hernández-Pajares, M., P. Wielgosz, J. Paziewski, A. Krypiak-Gregorczyk, M. Krukowska, K. Stepniak, J. Kaplon, T. Hadas, K. Sosnica, J. Bosy, R. Orus-Perez, E. Monte-Moreno, H. Yang, A. Garcia-Rigo, and G. Olivares-Pulido (2017b), Direct MSTID mitigation in precise GPS processing, Radio Sci., 52, doi:10.1002/2016RS006159.
Schmidt M., Dettmering D., Mößmer M., Wang Y., Zhang J. (2011). Comparison of spherical harmonic and B spline models for the vertical total electron content. Radio Science, 46, RS0D11.
Schmidt, M., Bilitza, D., Shum, C. K., and Zeilhofer, C. (2008): Regional4-D modelling of the ionospheric electron density. Adv. Space Res., 42, 4, 782-790